Kanye West Is rapper having trouble settling for an album name?

The rapper has now tweeted that the album might be getting a new secret album name.
American rapper, Kanye West, just might be changing his album title for the 3rd time as he has revealed in a new tweet.

The rapper had chosen 'Swish' at first before moving on to 'Waves', causing some serious drama that spiraled out of control recently.
The rapper has now tweeted that the album might be getting a new secret album name.
Only last week, his reality star wife, Kim Kardashian had shared a poll via twitter asking for votes on 3 different possible album names, the choices being 'Swish', 'Waves', and 'So help me God'.

At this point, we cant help but wonder is the rapper is having issues settling for a name on this new album or he just might be creating controversies to push the album.
